Sunday, April 12, 2009

Things We Take For Granted

This past week my grandparents, cousin, aunt and uncle went to Guyana to see my cousin on his mission. They were supposed to pick him up but he got a 30 day extension. While they were there, they could just see all the people who had nothing. There was trash everywhere, people who had nothing, animals that roamed the streets, and puddles of rain water because there was no drain system. The people there don't have very much food. They get a chicken from the store with the head just cut off. My grandma said that a lady got up at 2 in the morning to fix them a meal. She cooked chicken that was so gross that they had to choke down to be courteous. When they cook the chicken, they just punch it all together. They don't pull out all the insides or the bones, it's all just mixed in. That makes me appreciate that we have good meet and food to eat. After seeing pictures I also think how grateful I am for garbage men. The people there don't have a garbage it is just all on the ground. It rains so much there that it is constantly muddy and there are puddles everywhere. No one has washing machines so they wash their clothes by hand then put them out to dry on wood post. Then it rains and it's muddy so they just get dirty again anyways.On the streets they don't have drains for the water do go so it just stays there until it sinks into the ground. These people are so poor and really have nothing. My grandma said that a lady went and bought a new table cloth and plastic chairs that she couldn't afford just so that my family had a place to sit. It was so sad. The kids there have no clothes and no education. The people are so poor that they cant buy uniforms for their kids so they cant go to school to get an education. It made me stop and think how blessed I am that I can go to school and get a great education. There was one kid that was just out playing in the streets with no clothes on because they don't have hardly anything. The thing that just blows my mind is that all these people, no matter what they have or don't have, they are still the happiest people you can find. They are so humble and are thankful for everything. You always see them with a smile on their face.

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