Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Biggest Dream!!!

one of my biggest dreams i have is to go to boston and go to a boston celtics game!!! wooo-hooo ha i love them!! they are the best team ever! i thing i really want is to somehow get a pass that you can go meet all the players and get autographs kinda like you can get backstage passes with singers. ha :D i just think that would be the greatest. i love just about all of the celtic players. the best ones though are Paul Perce, Ray Allen, and defiately Kevin Garnet!!! ha i love them. Paul Perce has always been the leader of this team. Ray Allen is the shooter and does great things. KG is so big and strong and athletic he is just great! he has been hurt this season and the celtics have really been effected by it. other players i like are Rondo. He is great. He handles the ball well and can penetrate great! Big Baby Davis is so cool. he just has a good way about him. Perkins is so big and so young. he came right out of high school and has just domanated. Eddie House is so great off the bench. He has one of the quickest releases i have ever seen. he is an awesome shooter. Powe is just another great big boby inside and does some great things. some players im not a huge fan of are Moore and Marbury. Moore can be good but he always trys to be the one who makes the great plays. he always trys to get a charge and is a lot of the time late. Marbury can be good if he changes his attitude. he is doing pretty good since he got with the celtics so i hope he can just keep being a team player. as you can see...for the most part, I LOVE THE BOSTON CELTICS!!!


  1. I know what you mean about this one. I was able to go and watch Michael Jordan (in Utah) but it was still one of the coolest events of my life. I had third row seats and he got kicked out of the game in triple overtime. What a cool experience. I hope you get to see them!

    Mrs. Scott

  2. Hey Cass. I love the blog. Keep up the good work :). And remember the word sarcastically. :D much love
