Sunday, April 26, 2009

This up coming weekend!!!

This coming weekend is going to be so fun. Friday night my cousin Donny gets home from his mission. I am way excited to see him. It went pretty fast for the most part and i cant wait to see him. Then Saturday morning we will be driving to Boise for my little cousin Camryn's baptism. She is so excited and i just think it is the cutest thing!!! i just love that little girl. Then on Sunday her little brother is getting blessed. His name is Maxwell Beck. He is so cute. so this week is going to be pretty fun and full of happy moments and i just cant wait!!! it is going to be a great weekend and i hope everything goes well.

8 Of My Favorite Sayings

-For your FYI
-You suffer so beauifully
- I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired
- If all else fails, read the directions
- Stachu?
- That will work about as good as a lead balloon
- Face to Face...Facebook Ü
- Crying fox


So who decided it was the girls who had to wear the make-up and do there hair and be the pretty ones? ok i guess this sounds like i hate being a girl but i really don't. well i just think that sometimes i wish i could go without doing my hair and make-up and no one would care. Yeah....wouldn't happen. i wish boys could be a girl for a day just so they know what it's like. it can be fun, but sometimes it can be miserable. the guys have nothing to worry about. girls they have to look pretty because then the boys wont like them. ha see it is just a horrible thing. especially when you are tired in the morning and you have to wake up early to get ready. see if i was a boy you could wake up like 15 minutes before you had to leave and still not be late. it takes me like an hour to get ready!!! i would love to be able to just role out of bed and pretty much be ready for the day!!! i think that boys and girls should just trade places for like 3 days and just see what it is like!! Ü

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Fly Away Home

The movie Fly Away Home is one of my all time favorite movies! I loved it when I was little. I probably watched it 2 times a week. Well in this movie a girl finds a bunch of little chicken eggs. She took them home and was going to raise them. She took them to her room and in her dresser drawers she put blankets all bunched up to put the eggs in so they would hatch. When I was little I always wanted to do this. So I would get a little bucket think that we had and some baby blankets. I would put the blanket in the bucket and bunch it up just like in the movie. I would then get pool balls and put them in the holes and pretend they were my eggs. I would check them and make sure they were warm and doing good so they would hatch. I thought this was so fun. I had never told anyone about this until just barely. I just told my mom and she said that she would always see them and wonder what in the heck was going on. Ha I guess I was just a crazy little kid who wanted some chickens :) haha

My Biggest Dream!!!

one of my biggest dreams i have is to go to boston and go to a boston celtics game!!! wooo-hooo ha i love them!! they are the best team ever! i thing i really want is to somehow get a pass that you can go meet all the players and get autographs kinda like you can get backstage passes with singers. ha :D i just think that would be the greatest. i love just about all of the celtic players. the best ones though are Paul Perce, Ray Allen, and defiately Kevin Garnet!!! ha i love them. Paul Perce has always been the leader of this team. Ray Allen is the shooter and does great things. KG is so big and strong and athletic he is just great! he has been hurt this season and the celtics have really been effected by it. other players i like are Rondo. He is great. He handles the ball well and can penetrate great! Big Baby Davis is so cool. he just has a good way about him. Perkins is so big and so young. he came right out of high school and has just domanated. Eddie House is so great off the bench. He has one of the quickest releases i have ever seen. he is an awesome shooter. Powe is just another great big boby inside and does some great things. some players im not a huge fan of are Moore and Marbury. Moore can be good but he always trys to be the one who makes the great plays. he always trys to get a charge and is a lot of the time late. Marbury can be good if he changes his attitude. he is doing pretty good since he got with the celtics so i hope he can just keep being a team player. as you can see...for the most part, I LOVE THE BOSTON CELTICS!!!

Best books

  • The River- Gary Paulsen
  • Gables of Legacy- Anita Stanfield
  • The Holy Man- Susan Trott
  • The Holy Man's Journey- Susan Trott
  • Tuesdays With Morrie- Unknown
  • Life of Pi- Unknown
  • Amelia Badelia and the Baby- Peggy Parish
  • Where the Red Fern Grows- Unknown
  • Stargirl- Jerry Spinelli
  • Travel Team- Mike Lupica

These are some of my favorite books I have read. Amelia was the best book when I was little. Then I started to love the sport books. In the last year is when I have read some of my favorites. I suggest all to read these books. They are great!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Things We Take For Granted

This past week my grandparents, cousin, aunt and uncle went to Guyana to see my cousin on his mission. They were supposed to pick him up but he got a 30 day extension. While they were there, they could just see all the people who had nothing. There was trash everywhere, people who had nothing, animals that roamed the streets, and puddles of rain water because there was no drain system. The people there don't have very much food. They get a chicken from the store with the head just cut off. My grandma said that a lady got up at 2 in the morning to fix them a meal. She cooked chicken that was so gross that they had to choke down to be courteous. When they cook the chicken, they just punch it all together. They don't pull out all the insides or the bones, it's all just mixed in. That makes me appreciate that we have good meet and food to eat. After seeing pictures I also think how grateful I am for garbage men. The people there don't have a garbage it is just all on the ground. It rains so much there that it is constantly muddy and there are puddles everywhere. No one has washing machines so they wash their clothes by hand then put them out to dry on wood post. Then it rains and it's muddy so they just get dirty again anyways.On the streets they don't have drains for the water do go so it just stays there until it sinks into the ground. These people are so poor and really have nothing. My grandma said that a lady went and bought a new table cloth and plastic chairs that she couldn't afford just so that my family had a place to sit. It was so sad. The kids there have no clothes and no education. The people are so poor that they cant buy uniforms for their kids so they cant go to school to get an education. It made me stop and think how blessed I am that I can go to school and get a great education. There was one kid that was just out playing in the streets with no clothes on because they don't have hardly anything. The thing that just blows my mind is that all these people, no matter what they have or don't have, they are still the happiest people you can find. They are so humble and are thankful for everything. You always see them with a smile on their face.

My Bucket List

- Go on a cruise: I think it would be fun and a good experience
- Go to England/Europe: Visit where Blake served his mission
- Visit all 50 states: To see all the wonderful things in the US
- Write a song: I love music and I would love to have my own song
- Save a life: To know that I was the reason to help someone live and there family so they didn't have to suffer
- Be a hero to someone: So maybe I can change someones life, like people have for me
- Make someones dream come true: To have someone feel like they are on top of the world and so happy because you did something small for them
- Get married and have kids: I have always had a love for kids and I would love to have my own
- Play college basketball: Basketball is one of my most favorite things and its always been a dream of mine
- Write a book: Maybe I can inspire someone to change and be better like books I have read

The Mysteries of Life

1. Why is the sky blue and not green?
2. What came first; the chicken of the egg?
3. Where is heaven?
4. Why do they call it an outlet when you plug things into it?
5. Do vegetarians eat animal crackers?
6. Who is Heavenly Fathers dad?
7. Why are there shooting stars?
8. Why do they call 12 inches a foot and not a toe?
9. What is beond this galaxy?
10. Who is they?

Sunday, April 5, 2009

remember when...

remember when i ripped my pants in 6th grade?
remember when i ran into the door jam?
remember when i ran into the dock wakeboarding and cut my leg?
remember when blake and jade got in huge trouble for breaking the lamp?
remember when i went to the hospital on my birthday?
remember when grandma skidmore called me after jeopardy because the guy just won a car?
remember when we would play sharks on the swing set?
remember when brady would be chance the dog?
remember when i would get mad at alli over something stupid in city league ball?
remember when i had braces?
remember when i wet my pants at school in 1st grade?
remember when maribel made me play with her for 2 weeks or she wasn't going to be my best friend?
remember when grandma skidmore put maple syrup on my ice cream?
remember when i would take grandma her newspaper?
remember when i almost ran away?

faced death!!!

well i have a few stories that i could have died from. the first one i was about 2. i was with my cousin and we were driving home from the store. she got in a wreck and i guess we rolled and luckily nothing happened. i wasn't in my car seat so i was blessed! the next one i was also 2. we were boating and we stopped at the dock. no one was watching me and i fell off into the water. still no one knew. thankfully my uncle Todd who had just come into the family looked in the water and saw something blond floating. he reached in and pulled my up by my hair. so once again i could have drowned and no one would have known. so i guess i that was a sign it wasn't my time to leave this life. i am so glad that i am still here today because then i wouldn't have had all the great memories that i have now.

My 5 items i would grab in a fire

if there were a fire in my house and i could only grab 5 things they would be:
1. my phone-that way i could call for help
2. pictues- so i could remember all of the good times Ü
3. my blanket my grandma made me- i would be warm and it means a lot to me
4. journal-so i could remember all that happened and so my family would know about me and my past
5. any money there was- so we could still buy things if we needed
these would be only some of the things i would want to take but i think they would be the best things to choose from.