Friday, March 13, 2009

if only, if only

if only if only... do you ever say if only i had that, or if only i did this. well every once in a while i find myself doing this. some of my if only's are:

if only he liked me

if i only made that shot

if only i had that money

if only i was that fun

if only i was a little bit closer

now all of these things happen at all different times. some happen at school, sports practice, the mall, when i want to be done with something, and lots of other times.if only, if only can be the worst thing to hear but often times it could be good...i guess. the bad times is when you miss the final shot of the game and lose and you say if only i would have made that we would have won! the good from that phrase is...ok i can't think of one but i am sure there is something. so the next time you think of an if only moment, recognize what is going on and what caused the if only moment. if only, if only i knew what to write next i sure could end this nicely. but oh well i guess i will just have to move on to the next if only....

1 comment:

  1. I love doing writing like this. I think like the exercise we did in class with the other hand...our subconscious wishes come out in this kind of writing! I imagine if you really looked at these, they may be making themselves manifest as goals more so than "if only's"!
