Sunday, March 29, 2009

childhood injury

it was July 30th, my dad's birthday. KaCee Simmons always had a bike party before school started. we would all bring our bikes and ride around and have Popsicles and just have a good time. since it was my dad's birthday we were going to go boating so my mom said i could only go for a little while. when i got there we all just started to ride our bikes. after a while this kid came and brought some stuff for a jump. i thought it was really cool. of course i saw the boys doing it and so i wanted to try. so just calm as can be i headed for the jump. i was going like as slow as you could possibly go and you all know that if you are going to go over a jump you have to have speed. ha so i started up the week jump and once my front wheel got over the edge it headed straight down. it was metal on the end of my handlebars so when they started to fall the wheel turned and the handlebar stabbed me right in the chest! i fell down and started to cry. Jana took me into the bathroom and i was bleeding. so after that i just went home and continued on with the day. over time i got a big circled scab and it turned into a scar. to this day, i still have that scar and every time i see it i always remember that dang jump!!

what if

what if i could fly?
what if he liked me?
what if i was the queen?!
what if the world fell apart?
what if i couldn't read?
what if i was homeless?
what if i was famous?
what if i died?
what if i was an astronaut?
what if i was paralized?
what if i had mental problems?
what if nobody loved me?
what if i was a guy?
what if i had 6 fingers?
what if i was married and had 3 kids at the age of 18?
Some of these things are bad and i would hate for them to happen. Others would be really fun and have lots of good things that would come along with them...

highlights of the year

  • state CHAMPION!!!
  • 4.0- so far Ü
  • went to state in XC and took 3rd as a team
  • made the volleyball team
  • made varsity basketball as a freshman
  • passed basic auto!
  • doing the hurdles in track
  • first kid in the family to play in the Idaho center
  • beat Stacia's jv team in overtime-then there was some contention
  • took 4th in 300 hurdles first track meet-ha there was only 5 running!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2009


i can remember one dream very well from when i was just little. i was 5 years old i think. to me this dream was a nightmare but now i just laugh about it. in this dream was my family and my grandma. here is the dream: my family and i were all just home and all the monsters from toy story were attacking us. they started to come into our house and on our yard. we told them to leave and to get away. we started to pack up our stuff and get into the pick-up. at that moment all the little creatures started over to my grandma's house. as soon as we realized where they were going to rushed over to pick her up. i remember that she couldn't walk fast so it was hard to get her into the pick-up. as soon as we got her in we took off and left all of our stuff and were free. now that i think of this dream i think it is so funny that i was so scared. the thing i remember most was the one eyed bug. ha anyways i will remember that dream forever! i loved it.
now have you ever had a dream and then woke up and thought it was real? here is another dream: I was in 8th grade going on a field trip with my class. i was sitting by a boy and i guess that i really liked him. we were on a train going to a museum...ha how lame! ha but we were sitting by each other and he put his arm around me. i thought it was great. it was weird because we were in the front of the train and 2 or the teachers were just talking to us and didn't even care. that made it even better know that they wouldn't make fun of us. well the dream went on and i think he kissed me. so i woke up and i thought that i really liked this boy. i kinda though about asking him out and all but then realized that it was a stupid dream and he didn't like me. i was heartbroken but things went on... Ü

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Have you ever gotten something like a letter that you just read all the time, that would give you inspiration or something? Well I received a letter that I read before every game that I played in this year. I thought that if I read it I would get some kind of inspiration or it would help me to be the best I could be and play well. I figured that when I read these words in this letter, it made me think that people were looking up to me and counting on me to be the best I could be. Now before big games this would scare me. I never wanted to let anyone down. In the middle of the season my coach, who I really look up to, came to me and said that she had something for me. She pulled out this paper that had a quote on it. She just told me that when she read this that night, she thought of me. This meant so much to me because it opened up my eyes a little and I knew that I had to do my best, and not disappoint her. Now before games I would start to read both the letter and this quote, and by that time I knew that I was able to do whatever my mind was set on doing. The most important thing I learned from this was that as long as I gave my best and nothing less, I had nothing to lose, I could only gain. Now I believe that it's up to you how thing turn out. I know for a fact that if you give your all in everything you do, things will always be in your benefit. Even if things don't turn out how you would like, I am sure that you can learn something from it and become better. I like to say: Accept NOTHING LESS than YOUR best!

Favorite Quotes

1. Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.
2. To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.
3. An opportunity lost is lost forever.
4. My worse critic is myself.
5. Happiness is a grateful heart.
6. We were giving two ends, one to sit on and one to think with. It's up to you witch one you'll use more.
7. A winner is someone who recognizes his god-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.
8. Champions aren't made in the gym. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them- A desire, A dream, A vision.
9. Impossible is NOTHING
10. Accept nothing less than your best!
11. TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More
12. Don't trade what you want most for what you want at the moment.
13. Hard work spotlights the character of people: Some turn up their sleeves, some turn up their noses, and some don't turn up at all.
14. Great Achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness.
15. Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

wishful thinking~

wishful thinking is how many get throught the day. wishful thinking to me is somewhere i can go and at the moment those dreams cant be crushed. at times when i was little i dreamed of being a professional basketball player, and i really thought that dream would come true. now i have turned that dream into playing college basketball and then seeing where things go from there. now i know that you have to be an outstanding player to be able to play at that kind of level and that i would have to work really hard to do that. so dreams that i had when i got a little older and into my middle school years became not as fun and creative. i started to realize what would come true or not. so some dreams were to get a special part in a play and little things like that. now, i have dreams such as pass a class, get a 4.0, to play good in a ball game, to graduate high school and go to college and still play college ball. now i guess a dream stays with you your whole life. like me, my dreams consists of basketball most of the time but depending on the time i am in my life, that dream changes slightly. wishful thinking is a way to express yourself. if you were always told what to do and what to be life would get boring. there would be no reason to have dreams. i think that sometimes a person wishful thinks just so they can get through a day. i am sure that there are parents that wishful think so they possibly have something to look forward to all day to keep there mind off what is really happening. wishful thinking can be helpful. but the best of all is it always keeps you wondering....

Friday, March 13, 2009

if only, if only

if only if only... do you ever say if only i had that, or if only i did this. well every once in a while i find myself doing this. some of my if only's are:

if only he liked me

if i only made that shot

if only i had that money

if only i was that fun

if only i was a little bit closer

now all of these things happen at all different times. some happen at school, sports practice, the mall, when i want to be done with something, and lots of other times.if only, if only can be the worst thing to hear but often times it could be good...i guess. the bad times is when you miss the final shot of the game and lose and you say if only i would have made that we would have won! the good from that phrase is...ok i can't think of one but i am sure there is something. so the next time you think of an if only moment, recognize what is going on and what caused the if only moment. if only, if only i knew what to write next i sure could end this nicely. but oh well i guess i will just have to move on to the next if only....