Sunday, May 3, 2009

how the weekend turned out

this weekend was so much fun. like i said earlier, my cousin came home from his mission, another cousin got baptized and her little brother got blessed. friday night at 10:30 my cousin donny flew into idaho falls. it was so fun to see him. he looked so good. it made me super excited for blake to come home. it was crazy to see him and to think you havent seen him for 2 years. it was lots of fun and i really enjoyed it. saturday morning we left for boise. that afternoon my little cousin camryn was baptized. it was so neat and i was so excited for her. then right after she was done they blessed the baby. it was such a good blessing and i even shed a few tears. it was such a fun, neat experience. i dont think the weekend could have got any better Ü

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