Tuesday, May 19, 2009

10 best memories this year

1. Playing c-team volleyball and having Jo as my coach
2. Laughing all Volleyball practice
3. When Jo slipped on her sweats and fell
4. Making it to XC state
5. Playing jv and varsity basketball
6. Was high scorer a couple of times
7. Being a STATE CHAMPION!!!
8. Highest free throw percentage out of our bball team
9. My bruised knee from hitting all the many hurdles
10. Making it to state in track and having Jess help me

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

stupid gift certificate!!!

OK so remember when we all did the march madness tournament??? and remember if you won you get a gift certificate to Edwards theater??? ya well i won and they game me the trophy and all but i still haven't got my dang gift certificate!!! i am so angry. i mean really if people are going to say they well do something, they better do it!!!! i am so annoyed. i have asked Ms. Taylor, Holly, Kylee, Remi, and Kourtney probably all more that once and no one will do anything about it!!! if i don't get it i am going to be very angry because that's the only reason i did the stupid bracket!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

state track here we come!!!

o my this week was exciting!! i barely made it to state in both 100 and 300 hurdles!!! i am so so excited Ü ha but in the 100's i started off pretty good. i was 3rd or 4th the whole way. i went over the last hurdle and i started going so fast....ha probably not!...but i started to stumble. i was leaning forward so bad that i thought i was going to fall over. i leaned over that finish line not knowing weather i got 3rd or not. i was so scared. the guy read off the times. "3rd place lane 6 time of 18.69" i was so happy. i couldnt believe it!!! i kind of felt bad because the girl that i just barely beat is a good friend of mine. she was really disappointed but oh well i guess i had to do what i had to do! then the 300's came up and i was so nervous. we started off the race. i think i started off in 3rd. then this same girl that i beat cruised in front of me. then i was in 4th by quite a ways. we had about 3 or 4 hurdles left and i knew if i wanted to get 3rd i had to run as hard and as fast as i could. i started to pick it up and this girl (brig) started to die a little. i quickly started to make up some ground. with 2 hurdles left i was only about 3 feet behind her. then come the last hurdle i was barely ahead of her. once again i just beat her at the finish line. they yell once again " 3rd place lane 6 time of 52.6" i couldnt believe it, i got a personal record by 2 second!!! i was so happy. brig was upset once again but hopefully everything is okay. well it was probably one of the best days. ha but it was so fun and now i can't wait to go to boise!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

ten things im looking forward to this summer

1. basketball tournaments
2. csi basketball camp
3. family reunions
4. earning money....hopefully at the mini baazar
5. youth conference
5. girls camp...4th year!!!
6. boating
7. golfing
8. getting a tan Ü
9. no school!!!!
10. just have a good time

how the weekend turned out

this weekend was so much fun. like i said earlier, my cousin came home from his mission, another cousin got baptized and her little brother got blessed. friday night at 10:30 my cousin donny flew into idaho falls. it was so fun to see him. he looked so good. it made me super excited for blake to come home. it was crazy to see him and to think you havent seen him for 2 years. it was lots of fun and i really enjoyed it. saturday morning we left for boise. that afternoon my little cousin camryn was baptized. it was so neat and i was so excited for her. then right after she was done they blessed the baby. it was such a good blessing and i even shed a few tears. it was such a fun, neat experience. i dont think the weekend could have got any better Ü

My Favorite Books

These are 5 of my favorite book and their first lines:
The Holy man- There was a holy man who lived in a hermitage on a mountain.
Tuesday's With Morrie- The last class of my old professor's life took place once a week in his house...
Life of Pi- My suffering left me sad and gloomy.
Where the Red Fern Grows- When I left my office that beautiful spring day, I had an idea what was in store for me.
The River- Brian opened the door and stood back.